From a parent...
/"At two my son could recite the alphabet, name many shapes and colors, and he could count to 10 in three different languages. Well before his third birthday he was reading books. My husband and I were so very proud of these many accomplishments. What we didn't realize at the time was that he didn't understand anything that he was reading, nor did he understand anything happening in the world around him. He couldn't tell me if he was sick or hurt, he didn't know how to ask for help, and he didn't even recognize his own name. At four, we knew that he was a child living on the Autism Spectrum.
My son had to be taught language and with Natalie Toomey's time and dedication he is learning all about the world around him. My son is now ten. Through the many years of speech therapy with Natalie he can do some pretty amazing things. He can tell me when he is sick and what part of his body is hurt. He can tell me about his day at school, what he is thinking about, and what he wants. My son can have a real back and fourth conversation with me. I can ask my son if he is felling blue and he understands exactly what I am saying to him. He is bright and funny, and these are two of the qualities were hidden from everyone including him for many years. My son has been able to accomplish all of this with though the hard work and guidance of Natalie Toomey. She has given both my son and my family a gift beyond measure. I look forward to the future. I cannot wait to see what my son can accomplish with Natalie's help, teaching and guiding him through these next chapters of his life."